Substances at a Glance – a Back to School informational series
This year’s Back to School promises to be as chaotic as ever, and you may not have a lot of time to talk with your kids about drugs – we’ve got you covered.

We know how challenging it can be, but having safety conversations about the drugs that your kids may encounter are really important right now – even when there are a million and one other things going on.
We’ve created easy to read, informational sheets about a few of the substances your kids might be hearing about, so you can talk about them with your kids. So we’ve made it a bit easier for you.
Substances at a Glance – Alcohol, Cannabis, Vaping, and Opioids – a four week informational series
The Substances at a Glance fact sheets offer neutral and non-judgemental facts about the risks of using common substances that are the accessible to kids – alcohol, cannabis vaping and opioids – in an easy to understand format that you can download, print and share with your children to enable you to read and talk about them together.

These are the substances kids are hearing and talking about in the school yard and some kids may be thinking of trying.
The Substances at a Glance fact sheets are for parents, caregivers, teachers, anyone who works with youth and young adults – it’s evidence-based information about the drugs that kids are hearing and talking about in the school yard – presented in a way that’s concise, open and non-judgemental.
Sign up below for the Substances at a Glance series and start talking!
We’ll deliver a printable pdf directly to your email inbox once a week, beginning September 27th.
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